Spring 2025 Registration is Open Only Through 2/14!

Spring 2025 Registration
Registration for the Spring 2025 season is open for boys and girls from age three through 8th grade. Use the Registration buttons above to register your player, and as a volunteer if you’d like to coach. Come out and join the fun!

The season runs Sundays, mornings for younger divisions, afternoons for middle-school divisions, starting mid-March through May 18th (no games April 20th). The first Sunday will be the single and only team practice, and then games the rest of the season each Sunday.

Registration is open through 14 February, 2025 only. No late registrations will be accepted.

Registration fees are $75.00/player with a $5.00 sibling discount for each additional child in the family when registered in our program during the same registration order.

Registration for Freedom Optimist Soccer is now through TeamSnap. For returning registrants, you may need to create a new login if you have not registered on the TeamSnap platform.

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! Team sizes and age grouping will depend on the number of participants. Registration is first come/first serve so register early. Certain Divisions are going to fill up fast this year. WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE TEAM PLACEMENT IF YOUR PLAYER IS PUT ON A WAIT LIST.

Coaching or Volunteering?
Make sure to read the section “Coaching or Volunteering? Background Check Requirements” on the sidebar and complete your volunteer registration, done via the registration link above, and background check. Registration and background check is required to coach or volunteer.

Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately. Any sessions cancelled by circumstances beyond our control are non-refundable.

For additional information contact us via the Contact Us page.

Shooting Stars Returns Spring 2025!

Freedom Optimist Shooting Stars Spring 2025
Shooting Stars ProgramOur Shooting Stars Program is returning this Spring!
Registration for our Spring 2025 Shooting Stars season is open!

For details, visit our Shooting Stars page and follow our Shooting Stars Facebook page for updates.

Or visit Shooting Stars Registration directly to register.

Volunteer registration for all volunteers, including youth (ages 12 and older only) mentors, is available at Shooting Stars Volunteer Registration. All volunteers and youth mentors must pre-register! And after registration you will receive a confirmation email with additional instructions that must also be completed.

We’re proud that our Shooting Stars program was featured on WBAL-TV! (Click the image to visit WBAL-TV) Shooting Stars teaches soccer to youths with special needs

Or for more information, contact us at shootingstars@freedomoptsoccer.com with any questions.

Fall 2022 Season Update

Fall 2022 Season Update (as of 7 November)
Soccer BallThis coming weekend is the final week of the Fall season! And it’s Championship weekend for the Upper Divisions at Freedom Park. Come on out for the excitement!!

After the last game at each field at EES, we’re asking the teams to help take down the nets (attached by elastic bands) and bring them to the equipment shack. And if anyone can stick around after the last games, with a 7/16″ socket wrench or drill, to take apart a handful of goals, it would be much appreciated!

Coaches should also drop off their equipment bag, with a piece of paper with their division and name on it, at the equipment shack when they are done with the season.

And signs are now posted each Saturday reminding families that we should not be parking in the connected community, and that Overflow Parking is at Liberty High School. With limited parking at EES, we must not cause side roads to be clogged, or park in grass areas where we shouldn’t like beyond the sidewalk, or we risk more parking restrictions or worse, losing use of the location. Always consider carpooling to EES.

Freedom Optimist Soccer Night at MOD Pizza

Freedom Optimist Soccer Night at MOD Pizza
We’re excited to announce Freedom Optimist Soccer’s fundraiser on Thursday October 6, 2022. 20% of fundraiser sales will be donated back to Freedom Optimist Soccer!

Thursday, October 6th ALL DAY
MOD Pizza at 6400 Ridge Rd, Building B, Suite 10 Sykesville, MD 21784
Visit the restaurant and in order for orders to be counted toward the fundraiser show the below fundraiser flyer, or order online with the digital coupon code MODF10506 on the day of the fundraiser.

Freedom Optimist Soccer Fundraiser MOD Pizza Flyer

Fall 2022 Player Registration Closed

Fall 2022 Registration is Closed
Registration for the Fall 2022 season is now closed for all divisions.

The season starts mid-August when practice begins, except for the 3 & 4 year old Clinic Divisions that do not start until September when the regular season begins (the weekend after Labor Day), and continues through mid-November.

Registration fees are $100.00/player with a $10.00 sibling discount for each additional child in the family when registered in our program at the same time. Registration is not considered complete and your child will not be placed on a team until payment is received.

Early Registration Period Discount: Register between April 1st and April 30th and receive a $5 discount!
Regular Registration Period: Register between May 1st and May 31st.
Final Registration Period: Registrations after June 1st will be subject to a $15 late fee. Registrations after July 1st will be subject to a $25 late fee.
A $25 discount on player registration will be refunded to all Head Coaches once teams are released.

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! Team sizes and age grouping will depend on the number of participants. Registration is first come/first serve so register early. Certain Divisions are going to fill up fast this year. WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE TEAM PLACEMENT IF YOUR PLAYER WAS PUT ON THE WAIT LIST.

Refund Policy
100% thru July 15th less a $20.00 administrative fee. No refunds after July 15th.

Click to

Fall 2022 Registration is Open!

Fall 2022 Registration is Open
Registration for the Fall 2022 season is open for all divisions at https://freedomarearec.sportngin.com/ for boys and girls from age three to seniors in high school. Come out and join the fun!


The season starts mid-August when practice begins, except for the 3 & 4 year old Clinic Divisions that do not start until September (weekend after Labor Day) when the regular season begins, and continues through mid-November.

Registration fees are $100.00/player with a $10.00 sibling discount for each additional child in the family when registered in our program at the same time. Registration is not considered complete and your child will not be placed on a team until payment is received.

Early Registration Period Discount: Register between April 1st and April 30th and receive a $5 discount!
Regular Registration Period: Register between May 1st and May 31st.
Final Registration Period: Registrations after June 1st will be subject to a $15 late fee. Registrations after July 1st will be subject to a $25 late fee.
A $25 discount on player registration will be refunded to all Head Coaches once teams are released.

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! Team sizes and age grouping will depend on the number of participants. Registration is first come/first serve so register early. Certain Divisions are going to fill up fast this year. WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE TEAM PLACEMENT IF YOUR PLAYER WAS PUT ON THE WAIT LIST.

Click to

Offseason Update

Offseason Update (as of 23 March 2022)
Soccer BallThe first Sunday of the season is this Sunday, 27 March. This week is the only practice session for the season. Bundle up (it’s supposed to be a little chilly) and have fun!

Games are played on Sundays only, from 27 March through 8 May, with no games on 17 April (Easter Sunday). No weekday practices. Registration is closed for the Spring season.

For additional information contact us via the Contact Us page.

Fall 2021 Season Update

Fall 2021 Season Update (as of 16 November)
Soccer BallThanks to all the players, coaches, and parents for a wonderful season!

We have one last event, Field Takedown, this coming Saturday, 20 November, when we take down the nets and move the goals off the fields. Any and all help is appreciated!

And coaches, if you did not drop drop off your equipment bag, please stop by to help and you can drop off your bag then.

For additional information contact us via the Contact Us page.

Shooting Stars 2021 Clinic

Freedom Optimist Shooting Stars 2021 Clinic
Join us Friday, August 13th, Friday, August 20th, and Friday, August 27th at Freedom Park Soccer Field 1 for Free Soccer Clinics for special needs players ages 5-18!

   Freedom Park Soccer Field 1
   Friday, August 13th, Friday, August 20th, and Friday, August 27th from 6:30pm – 7:30pm
   Special Needs players of all abilities ages 5-18 Exceptions can be considered for special needs players of other ages, contact us
   No cost. Free
Other Details
   Players and volunteers should register for all three nights. It’s okay if they can’t make one of the nights.
   Players will get a T-shirt and soccer ball on the first night and medallion on the last night.
   Player Mentors and Adult Volunteers must also pre-register!
   Adult Volunteers will get a T-shirt on the first night.
   Adult Volunteers will be on hand 5:30pm – 8pm on Friday, August 13th, and 6pm – 6pm on Friday, August 20th, and Friday, August 27th.

Registration is available via the Click Here to Register button on our homepage. It takes you to the Freedom Area Rec Council site where you’ll find FO Soccer Shooting Stars Soccer Clinic – 2021 in the list of programs open for registration.

See the attached FOS Shooting Stars 2021 Clinic Flyer for more information or contact Ryan Hahn at info@freedomoptsoccer.com with any questions.