Carroll County Background Check Requirements
Carroll County requires background checks for all Board Members, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Parents involved in youth sports who are 18 and over. You must have this in order to hold these positions in a Freedom Area Rec Council program.
Visit Coaching or Volunteering? Background Check Requirements for more information and required paperwork (online).
There is no cost to any volunteer for the background check.
Carroll County Minor Consent Volunteer Waiver Form (PDF)
Carroll County requires a legal guardian complete and submit this form for anyone under the age of 18 who volunteers for Recreation Councils under the Carroll County Department of Recreation and Parks.
Become a FOS Sponsor!
Make a difference and sponsor a Freedom Optimist Soccer team! Sponsorships are available for teams, fields, and goals!
Visit our Sponsorships page for more information and paperwork.
Freedom Optimist Soccer Scholarship (PDF)
The Freedom Optimist Soccer Scholarship was created to reward high school seniors for their involvement in the Freedom Optimist Soccer program, in the community and their academic achievement. Freedom Optimist Soccer will award up to six $1,000 scholarships each year to seniors in high school selected from applicants who meet the criteria within the application.
Freedom Area Rec Council Accident Form
In case of the unfortunate situation where a player is injured, this form needs to completed and submitted within 24 hours, or immediately for serious accidents. A web based version of the form can be found at