Boys 2 Division

General Rules and Information

All divisions follow FIFA rules with some exceptions in the divisions to maintain the instructional nature of the recreational program. Division coordinators send out season-by-season divisional changes.

General Information
  • 7 v 7 (6 + GK)
  • Coaches are not allowed on the field unless invited on by the referee to assist a player
  • Two 24 minute halves; no extra-time
  • Offside calls are not normally made. And will only be considered
      if a player stays by the goal with no one around (cherry-picking),
      the coach had already been warned, and the player becomes involved in the play.
      And also, that the referee considered it needed to be called.
  • All fouls are awarded indirect kicks; no penalty kicks or direct kicks
  • No slide tackles or heading (drop ball for unintentional contact,
      indirect kick awarded for intentional contact)
  • No loss of possession on a bad first throw-in. Players are given one
      more attempt before loss of possession. Determination is at the discretion of the referee.
  • Substitutions are made from midfield, at the discretion of the referee
      on any kick-offs (by either team), goal kicks (by either team),
      corner kicks (by either team) or throw-ins (by either team).
      No substitutions during free kicks or drop balls.
  • Goalkeepers are not allowed to punt or drop-kick the ball.
      If the goalkeeper punts or drop-kicks the ball, an indirect
      free kick will be awarded to the opposing team outside of
      the penalty box, beyond the penalty box line that’s parallel
      to the goal line and closest to where the offense took place.
  • An injured player does not have to leave the field unless bleeding
      or if a coach comes onto the field. If a substitute replaces an injured player,
      the other team may also substitute a single player (i.e., one-for-one).
  • Cards are not issued for dangerous play and inappropriate conduct
      but coaches will be requested to substitute players to address instances
  • Size 3 Ball
  • No playoffs
Jack Beasley